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Firmware USB AVR Si570 controler. |
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I like to play around with embedded software. I also build the SoftRock V9.0 with is using the ATTiny45 / ATTiny85 chip
for controlling the receiver and handling the USB bus.
Because of a bug in the old firmware I was become interested in the firmware and start extending the
functionality, the whole process can be found on this page.
The first version of this firmware was build by Tom Baier (DG8SAQ) based on a Atmel
AVR ATtiny45 chip. The firmware used the free V-USB Library to support
low-speed USB-1.1 protocol.
This firmware is the the official supplied firmware in the SoftRock / Ensemble RX and RXTX kits of Tony Parks (KB9YIG) that are using a Si570 chip from Silicon Laboratories (SiLabs).
To configure the firmware there is a Windows configuration tool CFGSR. And if you want to use the SoftRock V9.0 with WinRad from Alberto I2PHD you may like to use my ExtIO_Si570 DLL. Also the perfect WinRad successor HDSDR can be used with the ExtIO_Si570 DLL.
Reprogramming of the ATtiny45 / ATtiny85 chip can only be done with a
AVR high voltage programmer or a tool like my
fuse bit restore.
I like to thank Prof. Dr. Thomas C. Baier for the publication of the initial software.
I changed the software so that the software will not hang on that bug. I also cleaned the software by removing many not used (I hope :-) commands. Compiled it with the WinAVR gcc compiler (WinAVR-20071221) and the lates version of the V-USB library (usbdrv-20081022).
* Modifications by Fred Krom, PE0FKO at Nov 2008 * - Fixed hang on no pull up of SCL line i2c to Si570 (or power down of Si590 in SR-V90) * - Initialize Si570 when seen on the i2c bus * - Compiler (WinAVR-20071221) optimized the i2c delay loop a way! * - AVR USB Version usbdrv-20081022 * - Source cleanup and split in deferend files. * - Remove many debug USB command calls! * - Add command 0x31, write only the Si570 registers (change freq max 3500ppm)
But for normal users the code change is not that important (maybe the precise frequency?). The speed improvements
from 2ms to 0.37ms will not be mention by normal users, and that the chip uses less code...
But for future improvements you will need the speed and free code (maybe).
The next I working on is the fraction tuning, when the chip's frequency has to be changed a little bit there is no
need to stop and start the chip again. A smooth tuning is then possible for small (+/-3500PPM) frequency changes.
* - Change the Si570 register calculation and now use the full 38 bits of the chip! * Is is acurate, fast and small code! It cost only 350us (old 2ms) to calculate the new registers. * - Add command 0x3d, Read the actual used xtal frequenty (4 bytes, 24 bits fraction, 8.24 bits)
It is a lot of text for a very small software update, only one variable changed to a fixed number!
For the use of this firmware in the "USB I2C Interface board" of Tony, the support for the second CW Key input (iambic keying) is added to the command 0x50 and 0x51. Also both command's will return a key open in case of the ABPF is enabled in the firmware. That will prevent the band filter selection bits being seen as CW key input.
Version 15.12 still uses the filter crossover table to select the frequency
band. For every band (0..3) the filter number used can specified, also every
band has it's own frequency offset / multiply factor! So the real filters do
not necessarily have be in increasing frequency order (v9.0 RX option 2
BPF), also sub harmonic sampling can be specified differently for each band
if required.
There is a change to the USB Serial-Number. This can be now set so that
every device can have it's own unique serial number. This allows more than
one device to be connected to the PC at the same time and used by different
application software (if the application software is able to use that field
to select a device).
A small change is made to the command 0x41 to set the I2C address, it will now also return the old I2C address and the address zero will not been set.
The sourcecode is made available on Google Code and as normal on this web-side.
One minor disadvantage of the extended functionality provided is that the code will no longer fit in the ATtiny45 chip, the bigger ATtiny85 device has to be used.
In the source there is now a compiler option to select the Si570 (LVPECL/LVDS/CML) grade used. For using the Si570 B or C grade chips there are divider values that may not be used (Si57x Speed Grading Implementation). The CMOS version of the Si570, used in the SoftRock40 kits, did not have the restriction, so in the generated .hex file the code is not implemented. This modification is not been tested, if you try this please send me a mail (I can generate a hex file for that).
There is a little change in the USB enumeration process. Before starting the process there is a delay of 100ms to settle down the electric signals. Maybe it can be a solution for some USB connect problems, also let me know if you find some difference with older versions (it is hard to test because I have no problems with it).
The previous versions of the firmware did not exclude counter values (expecting a speed grade A chip). It is no problem for using a C grade chip if the frequency is below 261MHz (HF band usage of a SoftRock will run till 4*30 = 120MHz). Using the C grade chip (with the old firmware) will limit the max frequency below the Silabs specified value of 280MHz! For using the firmware in applications where the maximum frequency range is needed the speed grade (dividers) must be handled correct.
Using the new firmware V15.14 it will allow you to specify the chip grade (function 0x44). That will allow
the C grade chip to run until 284MHz.
The firmware also allow you to change the minimum and maximum DCO frequency range out of the Silabs specification
of 4.85 till 5.67 GHz, that may harm you Si570 chip (overheating the chip, you be warned).
The firmware has also a C+ grade, it is the C grade but also allowing the N1=4 and HS_DIV=4 divider setting.
That also will extend the frequency range out of the specs (Amateur-Radio hobby is exploring the edges).
Extending the DCO value will allow you to reach higher frequencies and maybe remove some gaps in the frequency range of the Si570 chips. But it will be out of specification and will or will not work on every Si570 chip.
To explore the firmware algorithm and find the possible dividers for a frequency the excel sheet can be used.
To specify the chip grade or DCO value you will need the new CFGSR tool version minimal V2.3.
The divider restrictions for the Si570 speed grades or frequency grades are as follows |
| Grade A covers 10 to 945 MHz, 970 to 1134 MHz, and 1213 to 1417.5 MHz. Speed grade A device have no divider restrictions. |
| Grade B covers 10 to 810 MHz. Speed grade B devices disable the output in the following N1*HS_DIV settings: 1*4, 1*5 |
Grade C covers 10 to 280 MHz. Speed grade C devices disable the output in the following
N1*HS_DIV settings: 1*4, 1*5, 1*6, 1*7, 1*11, 2*4, 2*5, 2*6, 2*7, 2*9, 4*4
The default speed grade in the firmware |
No official Silabs grade type!! Grade C+ disable the output in the following N1*HS_DIV settings: 1*4, 1*5, 1*6, 1*7, 1*11, 2*4, 2*5, 2*6, 2*7, 2*9 |
SiLabs did release a new version of the Si570 chip with some more functionality, bud one disadvantaged! The Si570 chip with the 7ppm temperature stability (The Si570-CCC) did change the internal registers number for the RFREQ settings. So the firmware need to be changed for that chip version!
The version V15.15 is capable of handling the new chip, even with a auto-detect of the chip type. The index for the
RFREQ register can be specified by the firmware command 0x44, a index of 0 will trigger the auto-detect.
Also the new function Freezes the M Control Word to prevents interim frequency changes when writing RFREQ registers
can be used. This function is not available on the old Si570 chip's, but specifying it will do no harm, it only cost
some more time on the I2C bus with every frequency setting.
There are some more minor changes in the firmware. The few global register variables defined in the source are changed
to ram variables. It cost some more speed and rom space, but the code is cleaner.
Also the speed on the I2C bus is changed to a lower value, I did see my Si570 chip in the SoftRock did give some unpredictable
return values. Don't expect the slower I2C bus will be a big deal.
Version | Description |
Tuning without clicking on every frequency change. The smooth tune is only possible if the frequency change is no more that 3500ppm (that value can be changed, 0 is disabling the functionality) |
Selecting automatic one of the four band pass filter for every LO frequency.
The functionality can be enabled / disabled and will use the two I/O lines on
the SoftRock V9. If enabled other I/O settings are disabled.
V15.12: The used hardware filter for a band can be user specified. |
Only the firmware had te be calibrated and not the SDR PC Software. The calibration can be done with WinRad and my control ExtIO_Si570 DLL. Keep (if it can be changed) the crystal frequency in the PC SDR application on the default (114.285 MHz) value. |
The LO frequency can be changed by a offset and multiply factor. The real Si570 frequency
will be calculated for every frequency change by formula
"FSI570 = ( FLO - Offset ) * Multiply".
The offset and multiply is a fixed point number stored in eeprom and can be changed by the software.
V15.12: There is a offset / multiply factor for every band. |
Select the Si570 speed grade and set the Si570 DCO freqency range. |
Select the Si570 RFREQ index for the used Si570 chip. |
Description |
Winrad by Alberto, I2PHD. |
Mario Taeubel, Based on WinRad |
Sandro Sfregola, Based on WinRad |
Rocky by Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA. |
PowerSDR-IQ by Christos Nikolaou, SV1EIA. |
PowerSDR-SR40 by Guido ten Dolle, PE1NNZ. |
PowerSDR by FlexRadio Systems. The supported DLL is a changed version from pe1nnz to support this firmware. |
SDR-RADIO.com GmbH, Simon HB9DRV. |
SoftRock configuration program. |
V15.1 at 02/12/2008: First release of PE0FKO.
V15.2 at 19/12/2008: Change the Si570 code.
V15.3 at 02/01/2009: Add Automatich smooth tune.
V15.4 at 06/01/2009: Add Automatic Band Pass Filter Selection.
V15.5 at 14/01/2009: Add the Smooth tune and band pass filter to the "Set freq by Si570 registers" command.
V15.6 at 17/01/2009: Bug fix, PC reboot connection. Return frequency was smooth tune center frequency.
V15.7 at 25/01/2009: Minor updates.
V15.8 at 11/02/2009: Change in calculate frequency from Si570 registers.
V15.9 at 19/02/2009: Disable I/O functions in case the ABPF is enabled.
V15.10 at 12/03/2009: LO frequency subtract and multiply.
V15.11 at 27/07/2009: Bug fix with negative frequency subtract value.
V15.12 at 28/09/2009: Added the Inteligent Band Pass Filter.
V15.13 at 18/06/2010: Bug fix for Filter bank sequence.
V15.14 at 06/01/2011: Add Si570 speed grade and DCO range selection.
V15.15 at 11/12/2011: Add Si570 RFREQ index and autodetect.
There is now a simple way to install the driver software for a Windows system (XP, Vista, 7, 8 and Windows10), just run the installer that can be downloaded over here PE0FKO-USB-Driver-Installer.exe. Like to install it by hand, read the next paragrapf.
The installer must be run before connecting the SoftRock hardware and it will install the Amateur Radio Root Certificate V2 with the tool ARCA.exe and then it will install automatic the LibUSB-Win32 driver .inf file.
For installing the device you will need the USB PC driver software PE0FKO-USB-Driver-,
it is based on the open-source LibUSB-Win32 software.
First extract the .zip file to a temporary directory (on the Desktop).
The installation process is different for the Windows version you are using (2000(not tested), XP, Vista(not tested), Window-7), special care must be taken when installing it on a 64bits system (Window-7, Vista).
Plug in the device and it will show "Found new hardware DG8SAQ-I2C". Direct the wizard to the place where the software was stored and the software will be installed.
For using this kernelmode device driver on a 64bits Windows system the driver must be signed, other wise it will not install. The LibUSB-Win32 group did
sign the new driver (V1.2.0.0, 2010/07/10) with a correct certificate.
To install the driver there are two ways to do it. The first one "get a nasty error message" and continue or you can install a Root certfificate on your system and smoothly
install the driver.
The installation on a Windows-7 system will
not start automatich
when the devices is plugged in. Go to the Device manager and find the
"DG8SAQ-I2C" device.
Then take the next steps:
To install the Amateur Radio Root certificate follow the steps on the Amateur Radio Certificate Authority V2.
The original chip can be upgraded but it will cost some hardware and AVR micro controller programming skills.
To reprogram the original ATtiny45 / Attiny85 chip from Tony you will need to release the RSTDISBL fuse bit,
that can be done with a fuse bit restore tool, or by using
a AVR high voltage programmer.
After restoring the RSTDISBL fuse bit a normal AVR ISP programmer can be used.
With a *new* Attiny45 / Attiny85 chip, the fuse bit restore is not necessary, until you program the RSTDISBL fuse bit to use the PB5 as a extra I/O line.
For people that are willing to learn something about the programming of the Atmel AVR chip's, there is a lot
of information on the web.
Also Bob, G8VOI created a very nice document
("A Beginners Guide to Programming the Atmel ATtiny")
about the steps to be taken to (re)program the ATTiny45 or ATTiny85 chip with this firmware.
The document and other documents from Bob can be found at this webpage.
************************************************************************ ** ** Project......: Firmware USB AVR Si570 controler. ** ** Platform.....: ATtiny45 ** ** Licence......: This software is freely available for non-commercial ** use - i.e. for research and experimentation only! ** Copyright: (c) 2006 by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH ** Based on ObDev's AVR USB driver by Christian Starkjohann ** ** Programmer...: F.W. Krom, PE0FKO. ** Thanks to Tom Baier DG8SAQ for the initial program. ** Thanks to Alex Lee for the command 0x17 description. ** ** Description..: Control the Si570 Freq. PLL chip over the USB port. ** ** History......: V15.1 02/12/2008: First release of PE0FKO. ** V15.2 19/12/2008: Change the Si570 code. ** V15.3 02/01/2009: Add Automatich smooth tune. ** V15.4 06/01/2009: Add Automatic Band Pass Filter Selection. ** V15.5 14/01/2009: Add the Smooth tune and band pass filter ** to the "Set freq by Si570 registers" command. ** V15.6 17/01/2009: Bug fix, no connection on boot from PC. ** Used a FreqSmooth so the returned freq is ** the real freq and not the smooth center freq. ** V15.7 22/01/2009: Source change. Upgrade ObDev to 20081022. ** FreqSmoothTune variable removed from eeprom. ** Test errors in i2c code changed. ** Add cmd 0x00, return firmware version number. ** Add cmd 0x20, Write Si570 register ** Add cmd 0x0F, Reset by Watchdog ** V15.8 10/02/2009: CalcFreqFromRegSi570() will use the fixed ** xtal freq of 114.285 MHz. Change static ** variables to make some more free rom space. ** V15.9 17/02/2009: Disable I/O functions in case the ABPF is enabled. ** V15.10 18/03/2009: LO frequency subtract and multiply. ** Add cmd 0x31, Write the frequency subtract multiply to the eeprom ** Add cmd 0x39, Return the frequency subtract multiply ** Check if the DCO freq is lower than the Si570 max. ** Include some .c files, it is smaller in size. ** Move some static variables to register, smaller code size. ** Add support for the CW Key_2 in command 0x50 & 0x51. ** CW Key always return open if ABPF is enabled (command 0x50 & 0x51) ** V15.11 27/07/2009: BUG in the CalcFreqMulAdd() with a negative subtract value. ** Change the SetFreq() so that the filter table is set and ** after it the subtract multiply is done! (changed in order) ** Changed the SetFreq() so that cmd 0x3a will return the requested ** freq and not the Si570 freq. ** V15.12 28/08/2009: Added the IBPF settings. Every band, selected with the Filter ** cross-over table, holds its own offset/multiply and filter number. ** The command 0x41 will return the old I2C address, it only accept ** I2C addresses if Index is zero. ** Change of the USB Serial number is possible for the last char of ** that string "PE0FKO-0". The "0" can be changed with command 0x43. ** V15.13 15/06/2010: Bug fix for the filter / band selection in DeviceSi570.c ** Added compiler option for the Si570 chip grade B & C selection. ** Delay 100ms added before the USB enumeration to stabilize the electric part. ** V15.14 15/12/2010: Added Si570 chip Grade, DCO parameter and correct the si570 ** divider selecttion. Temperature raw value. ** V15.15 10/12/2011: Changes made necessary for the new Si570 chip from SiLabs. ** The new chip version with 7ppm temperature stability did change the ** Index of the RFREQ registers from 7 to 13. Also a new function to ** freeze the RFREQ when updating new data to the RFREQ (Freeze-M). ** The firmware can auto-detect the new Si570 chip and use the correct ** RFREQ index. The function CMD_SET_SI570_GRADE (0x44) is extended to ** support the change of RFREQ index. ** Also removed some global register variables to normal ram. ** ************************************************************************** Compiler: WinAVR-20071221 Chip: ATtiny45 (4Kb prom) V14 3866 bytes (94.4% Full) V15.1 3856 bytes (94.1% Full) V15.2 3482 bytes (85.0% Full) V15.3 3892 bytes (95.0% Full) V15.4 3918 bytes (95.7% Full) V15.5 4044 bytes (98.7% Full) V15.6 4072 bytes (99.4% Full) V15.7 4090 bytes (99.9% Full) V15.8 3984 bytes (97.3% Full) V15.9 3984 bytes (97.3% Full) V15.10 4018 bytes (98.1% Full) V15.11 4094 bytes (100.% Full) V15.12 5112 bytes (62.4% Full), ATtiny85, WinAVR-20090313, vusb-20090822 V15.13 4558 bytes (55.6% Full), ATtiny85, WinAVR-20100110, vusb-20090822 V15.14 4712 bytes (57.5% Full), ATtiny85, WinAVR-20100110, vusb-20100715 V15.15 4902 bytes (59.8% Full), ATtiny85, WinAVR-20100110, vusb-20100715 Fuse bit information: Fuse high byte: 0xdd = 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 RSTDISBL disabled (SPI programming can be done) 0x5d = 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 RSTDISBL enabled (PB5 can be used as I/O pin) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \-+-/ | | | | | +------ BODLEVEL 2..0 (brownout trigger level -> 2.7V) | | | | +---------- EESAVE (preserve EEPROM on Chip Erase -> not preserved) | | | +-------------- WDTON (watchdog timer always on -> disable) | | +---------------- SPIEN (enable serial programming -> enabled) | +------------------ DWEN (debug wire enable) +-------------------- RSTDISBL (disable external reset -> disabled) Fuse low byte: 0xe1 = 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 ^ ^ \+/ \--+--/ | | | +------- CKSEL 3..0 (clock selection -> HF PLL) | | +--------------- SUT 1..0 (BOD enabled, fast rising power) | +------------------ CKOUT (clock output on CKOUT pin -> disabled) +-------------------- CKDIV8 (divide clock by 8 -> don't divide) Modifications by Fred Krom, PE0FKO at Nov 2008 - Hang on no pull up of SCL line i2c to Si570 (or power down of Si590 in SR-V90) - Compiler (WinAVR-20071221) optimized the i2c delay loop a way! - Calculating the Si570 registers from a given frequency, returns a HIGH HS_DIV value - Source cleanup and split in deferent files. - Remove many debug USB command calls! - Version usbdrv-20081022 - Add command 0x31, write only the Si570 registers (change freq max 3500ppm) - Change the Si570 register calculation and now use the full 38 bits of the chip! Is is accurate, fast and small code! It cost only 350us (old 2ms) to calculate the new registers. - Add command 0x3d, Read the actual used xtal frequency (4 bytes, 24 bits fraction, 8.24 bits) - Add the "automatic smooth tune" functionality. - Add the I/O function command 0x15 - Add the commands 0x34, 0x35, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x3D - Add the I/O function command 0x16 - Add read / write Filter cross over points 0x17 - Many code optimalization to make the small code. - Calculation of the freq from the Si570 registers and call 0x32, command 0x30 Implemented functions: ---------------------- V15.10 +----+---+---+---+----------------------------------------------------- |Cmd |SQA|FKO| IO| Function +0x--+---+---+---+----------------------------------------------------- | 00 | * | | I | Echo value variable | 00 | | * | I | Get Firmware version number | 01 | * | * | I | [DO NOT USE] set port directions | 02 | * | * | I | [DO NOT USE] read ports | 03 | * | * | I | [DO NOT USE] read port states | 04 | * | * | I | [DO NOT USE] set ports | 05 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] send I2C start sequence | 06 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] send I2C stop sequence | 07 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] send byte to I2C | 08 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] send word to I2C | 09 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] send dword to I2C | 0A | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] send word to I2C with start and stop sequence | 0B | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] receive word from I2C with start and stop sequence | 0C | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] modify I2C clock | 0D | | | I | [DO NOT USE] read OSCCAL to "value" | 0E | | | I | [DO NOT USE] Write "value" to OSCCAL | 0F | * | * | I | [DO NOT USE] Reset by Watchdog | 10 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] EEPROM write byte value=address, index=data | 11 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] EEPROM read byte "value"=address | 13 | | | I | [DO NOT USE] return usb device address | 15 | | * | I | Set IO port with mask and data bytes, and perform cmd 0x16 | 16 | | * | I | Return the I/O pin value | 17 | | * | I | Read the Filter cross over points and set one point | 18 | | * | I | Set the RX Band Pass Filter Address for one band: 0..3 | 19 | | * | I | Read the RX Band Pass Filter Address for one band: 0..3 | 1A | | | I | Set the TX Low Pass Filter Address for one band: 0..7 (MOBO) | 1B | | | I | Read the TX Low Pass Filter Address for one band: 0..7 (MOBO) | 20 | * | * | I | Write byte to Si570 register | 21 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] SI570: read byte to register index (Use command 0x3F) | 22 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] SI570: freeze NCO (Use command 0x20) | 23 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] SI570: unfreeze NCO (Use command 0x20) | 30 | * | * | O | Set frequency by register and load Si570 | 31 | | * | O | Write the frequency subtract multiply to the eeprom | 32 | * | * | O | Set frequency by value and load Si570 | 33 | * | * | O | write new crystal frequency to EEPROM and use it. | 34 | | * | O | Write new startup frequency to eeprom | 35 | | * | O | Write new smooth tune to eeprom and use it. | 39 | | * | I | Return the frequency subtract multiply | 3A | | * | I | Return running frequency | 3B | | * | I | Return smooth tune ppm value | 3C | | * | I | Return the startup frequency | 3D | | * | I | Return the XTal frequency | 3E | | | I | [DEBUG] read out calculated frequency control registers | 3F | * | * | I | Read out frequency control registers | 40 | * | * | I | Return I2C transmission error status | 41 | * | | I | [DO NOT USE] set/reset init freq status | 41 | | * | I | Set the new i2c address. | 42 | | * | I | CPU Temperaure | 43 | | * | I | Change USB SerialNumber ID | 44 | | * | I | Change the Si570 chip Grade (A,B,C) and the RFREQ index. | 50 | * | * | I | Set USR_P1 and get cw-key status | 51 | * | * | I | Read SDA and CW key level simultaneously Commands: --------- All the command are working with the "usb_control_msg" command from the LibUSB open source project. I'm using "libusb-win32-device-bin-" from http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/ To use the library include the header file ./include/usb.h in your project and add the library ./lib/*/libusb.lib for your linker. Open the device with usb_open(...) with the VID & PID to get a device handle. int usb_control_msg(usb_dev_handle *dev, int requesttype, int request, int value, int index, char *bytes, int size, int timeout); requesttype: Data In or OUT command (table IO value) I = USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_IN O = USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT request: The command number. value: Word parameter 0 index: Word parameter 1 bytes: Array data send to the device (OUT) or from the device (IN) size: length in bytes of the "bytes" array. In case of a unknow command the firmware will return a 1 (one) if there is a bytes array specified it returns the byte 255. In the next examples I will use two subroutines that will call the usb_control_msg function, it make's the examples more readable: int usbCtrlMsgIN(int request, int value, int index, char *bytes, int size) { return usb_control_msg(handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_IN, request, value, index, bytes, size, 500); } int usbCtrlMsgOUT(int request, int value, int index, char *bytes, int size) { return usb_control_msg(handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, request, value, index, bytes, size, 500); } Command 0x00: ------------- This call will return the version number of the firmware. The high byte is the version major and the low byte the version minor number. It is a bid tricky for the previous versions because they used a "word echo command" on command 0x00. If the call will be done with the "value" parameter is set to 0x0E00 it will return version 14.0 for the original DG8SAQ software. (Also my previous software will return the version 14.0, the owner had to upgrade or not use it). There is also a other way to check the type of software, use the USB Version string for that. Code sample: uint16_t version; r = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x00, 0x0E00, 0, &version, sizeof(version)); // if the return value is 2, the variable version will give the major and minor // version number in the high and low byte. Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x00 value: 0x0E00 index: 0 bytes: Version word variable size: 2 Command 0x01: ------------- Set port directions. Do not use, use I/O function 0x15 Command 0x02: ------------- Read ports. Do not use, use I/O function 0x15 Command 0x03: ------------- Read port states. Do not use. Command 0x04: ------------- Set ports. In case of the enabled ABPF no change of I/O will be done. Do not use, use I/O function 0x15 Command 0x0F: ------------- Restart the board (done by Watchdog timer). Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x0F value: 0 index: 0 bytes: NULL size: 0 Command 0x15: ------------- Set the I/O bits of the device. The SoftRock V9 only had two I/O lines, bit0 and bit1. It also returned the I/O value (like command 0x16). There are two values for every I/O bit, the data direction and data bits. +-----+------+---------------------- | DDR | DATA | PIN Function +-----+------+---------------------- | 0 | 0 | input | 0 | 1 | input internal pullup | 1 | 0 | output 0 | 1 | 1 | output 1 +-----+------+---------------------- In case of the enabled ABPF no change of I/O will be done. Code sample: uint16_t INP; r = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x15, 0x02, 0x02, &INP, sizeof(INP)); // Set P2 to output and one! // Use P1 as input, no internal pull up R enabled. // Read the input in array INP[], only bit0 and bit1 used by this hardware. Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x15 value: Data Direction Register index: Data register bytes: PIN status (returned) size: 2 Command 0x16: ------------- Get the I/O values in the returned word, the SoftRock V9 only had two I/O lines, bit0 and bit1. Code sample: uint16_t INP; r = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x16, 0, 0, &INP, sizeof(INP)); // Read the input word INP, only bit0 and bit1 used by SoftRock V9 hardware. Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x16 value: 0 index: 0 bytes: PIN status (returned) size: 2 Command 0x17: ------------- Read the Filter cross over points and set one point. This command can control 2 banks of filters. Typically the first bank is the Rx and Tx BPF used in the QSD and QSE stages. The second bank is the Tx LPF between the PA and the antenna output. The # of crossover points of the two banks of filters can be different. For example, the first bank is usually 4 bands (160m, 80/40m, 30/17/20m, 15/12/10m) as in Softrock v6.3 and v9.0. The second bank is usually 6 bands but can go up to 7, 8, 12 or even 16! The index is used to specify the particular filter crossover point. The index of the 1st bank starts from 0, and ends at the last crossover point. For example, if there are 4 bands, then there will be 3 crossover points: 0, 1, and 2. Index 3 is used as a boolean flag, specifying whether this filter bank is enabled or disabled (for automatic band pass filter ABPF function). The index of the 2nd filter bank starts from 256, and ends at the last crossover point. For example, if there are 6 LPF's, then there will be 5 crossover points, with index 256, 257, 258, 259, and 260. index 261 is used as a boolean flag, specifying whether this filter bank is enabled or disabled (for automatic switching). If "disabled", it usually means the filter is set for "all pass" or bypassed. The first call to this command should be used to find out how many crossover points there are. Call with an index of 255 for the 1st filter bank, and an index of 256+255 for the 2nd filter bank. filter_number_of_bytes = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x17, 0, 255, FilterCrossOver, sizeof(FilterCrossOver)); If there are 4 filters (3 crossover points), then the filter_number_of_bytes returned will be 8. (Each crossover point is 2 bytes. Thus there will be 6 bytes. Following that another 2 bytes will be for the boolean flag, making a total of 8). If ther are 6 filters (5 crossover points), there filter_number_of_bytes returned will be 12. Subsequent calls to this command can then be used to: 1. set one of the filter crossover points by specifying the index 2. enable/disable the filter bank by specifying the last index (for the boolean flag) 3. read the cross over points only - all of them of one bank at once, by specifying 255 (1st bank) or 256+255 (2nd bank). (Note that in actions 1 and 2 above, the cross over points are also read out after the completion of the action.) The data format of the crossover points is a 11.5 bits in MHz, that gives a resolution of 1/32 MHz. The last data entry is a boolean flag to enable or disable the filter bank. Code sample: uint16_t FilterCrossOver[16]; // allocate enough space for up to 16 filters unsigned int filter_number_of_bytes; // first find out how may cross over points there are for the 1st bank, use 255 for index filter_number_of_bytes = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x17, 0, 255, FilterCrossOver, sizeof(FilterCrossOver)); // Specify filter cross over point for a softrock that divide the LO by 4! // And read the points back from the device in the last call. if (filter_number_of_bytes == 8) // 3 crossover points and one flag, so set them up { FilterCrossOver[0] = 4.1 * 4.0 * (1<<5); FilterCrossOver[1] = 8.0 * 4.0 * (1<<5); FilterCrossOver[2] = 16. * 4.0 * (1<<5); FilterCrossOver[3] = true; // Enable usbCtrlMsgIN(0x17, FilterCrossOver[0], 0, NULL, 0); usbCtrlMsgIN(0x17, FilterCrossOver[1], 1, NULL, 0); usbCtrlMsgIN(0x17, FilterCrossOver[2], 2, NULL, 0); usbCtrlMsgIN(0x17, FilterCrossOver[3], 3, FilterCrossOver, sizeof(FilterCrossOver)); } Parameters: Setting one of the points requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x17 value: FilterCrossOver[i] i being the index of the particular cross over point index: index of the 'value' filter point. bytes: Array of up to 16 16bits integers for the filter points. size: filter_number_of_bytes Parameters: Enable / disable the filter requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x17 value: 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) index: index of 1 plus the last crossover point bytes: Array of up to 16 16bits integers for the filter points. size: filter_number_of_bytes Command 0x18: ------------- Set the RX Band Pass Filter Address for one band: 0..3 Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x18 value: Filter for the band index: Band number (0..3) bytes: pointer 4 byte array, Band2Filter table size: 4 Command 0x19: ------------- Read the RX Band Pass Filter Address for one band: 0..3 Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x19 value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 4 byte array, Band2Filter table size: 4 Command 0x1A: ------------- Set the TX Low Pass Filter Address for one band: 0..7 (MOBO) Not implemented Command 0x1B: ------------- Read the TX Low Pass Filter Address for one band: 0..7 (MOBO) Not implemented Command 0x20: ------------- Write one byte to a Si570 register. Return value is the i2c error boolean in the buffer array. Code sample: // Si570 RECALL function uint8_t i2cError; r = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x20, 0x55 | (135<<8), 0x01, &i2cError, 1); if (r == 1 && i2cError == 0) // OK Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x20 value: I2C Address low byte (only for the DG8SAQ firmware) Si570 register high byte index: Register value low byte bytes: NULL size: 0 Command 0x30: ------------- Set the oscillator frequency by Si570 register. The real frequency will be calculated by the firmware and the called command 0x32 Default: None Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_OUT request: 0x30 value: I2C Address (only for the DG8SAQ firmware), 0 index: 7 (only for the DG8SAQ firmware), 0 bytes: pointer 48 bits register size: 6 Command 0x31: ------------- Write the frequency subtract, multiply value's to the eeprom and use it. The real frequency is the input frequnecy minus the subtract value times the multiply value. Si570_F = (Finput - subtract) * multiply Default: None Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_OUT request: 0x31 value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 2 * 32 bits interger size: 8 Code sample: double sub, mul; uint32_t iSM[2]; sub = 135.0; mul = 4.0; iSM[0] = (uint32_t)( sub * (1UL << 21) ); iSM[1] = (uint32_t)( mul * (1UL << 21) ); r = usbCtrlMsgOUT(0x31, 0, 0, (char *)iSM, sizeof(iSM)); if (r != sizeof(iSM)) Error Command 0x32: ------------- Set the oscillator frequency by value. The frequency is formatted in MHz as 11.21 bits value. The "automatic band pass filter selection", "smooth tune", "one side calibration" and the "frequency subtract multiply" are all done in this function. (if anabled in the firmware) Default: None Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_OUT request: 0x32 value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 32 bits integer size: 4 Code sample: uint32_t iFreq; double dFreq; dFreq = 30.123456; // MHz iFreq = (uint32_t)( dFreq * (1UL << 21) ) r = usbCtrlMsgOUT(0x32, 0, 0, (char *)&iFreq, sizeof(iFreq)); if (r < 0) Error Command 0x33: ------------- Write new crystal frequency to EEPROM and use it. It can be changed to calibrate the device. The frequency is formatted in MHz as a 8.24 bits value. Default: 114.285 MHz Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_OUT request: 0x33 value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 32 bits integer size: 4 Code sample: uint32_t iXtalFreq; double dXtalFreq; dXtalFreq = 114.281; iXtalFreq = (uint32_t)( dXtalFreq * (1UL<<24) ) r = usbCtrlMsgOUT(0x33, 0, 0, (char *)&iXtalFreq, sizeof(iXtalFreq)); if (r < 0) Error Command 0x34: ------------- Write new startup frequency to eeprom. When the device is started it will output this frequency until a program set an other frequency. The frequency is formatted in MHz as a 11.21 bits value. Default: 4 * 7.050 MHz Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_OUT request: 0x34 value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 32 bits integer size: 4 Code sample: uint32_t iXtalFreq; double dXtalFreq; dFreq = 4.0 * 3.550; // MHz iFreq = (uint32_t)( dFreq * (1UL<<24) ) r = usbCtrlMsgOUT(0x34, 0, 0, (char *)&iFreq, sizeof(iFreq)); if (r < 0) Error Command 0x35: ------------- Write new smooth tune to eeprom and use it. Default: 3500 PPM Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_OUT request: 0x35 value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 16 bits integer size: 2 Code sample: uint16_t Smooth; Smooth = 3400; r = usbCtrlMsgOUT(0x35, 0, 0, (char *)&Smooth, sizeof(Smooth)); if (r < 0) Error Command 0x39: ------------- Return the frequency subtract multiply values. V15.12: The index is tha band for with the values are working. Default: subtract = 0.0, multiply = 1.0 Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x39 value: 0 index: 0 or Index into band bytes: pointer 2 * 32 bits integer size: 8 Code sample: uint32_t iSM[2]; double sub, mul; uint8_t iBand; iBand = 0; r = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x39, 0, iBand, (char *)iSM, sizeof(iSM)); if (r != sizeof(iSM)) Error sub = (double)(int32_t)iSM[0] / (1UL << 21); // Signed value mul = (double) iSM[1] / (1UL << 21); Command 0x3A: ------------- Return actual frequency of the device. The frequency is formatted in MHz as a 11.21 bits value. Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x3A value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 32 bits integer size: 4 Code sample: uint32_t iFreq; double dFreq; r = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x3A, 0, 0, (char *)&iFreq, sizeof(iFreq)); if (r == 4) dFreq = (double)iFreq / (1UL<<21); Command 0x3B: ------------- Return the "Smooth tune" PPM (pulse per MHz) of the device. The value is default 3500 (from data sheet) and can be changed. I do not know what happened with the chip if it is out of range (>3500). If the value is set to zero it will disable the "Automatic Smooth tune" function. Default: 3500 PPM Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x3B value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 16 bits integer size: 2 Code sample: uint16_t Smooth; r = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x3B, 0, 0, (char *)&Smooth, sizeof(Smooth)); if (r == 2) ... Command 0x3C: ------------- Return device startup frequency. The frequency is formatted in MHz as a 11.21 bits value. Default: 4 * 7.050 MHz Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x3C value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 32 bits integer size: 4 Code sample: uint32_t iFreq; double dFreq; r = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x3C, 0, 0, (char *)&iFreq, sizeof(iFreq)); if (r == 4) dFreq = (double)iFreq / (1UL<<21); Command 0x3D: ------------- Return device crystal frequency. The frequency is formatted in MHz as a 8.24 bits value. Default: 114.285 MHz Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x3D value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 32 bits integer size: 4 Code sample: uint32_t iFreqXtal; double dFreqXtal; r = usbCtrlMsgIN(0x3D, 0, 0, (char *)&iFreqXtal, sizeof(iFreqXtal)); if (r == 4) dFreqXtal = (double)iFreqXtal / (1UL<<24); Command 0x3F: ------------- Return the Si570 frequency control registers (reg 7:12 or reg 13:18). If there are I2C errors the return length is 0. Default: None Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x3F value: Not used index: Byte index in Si570 registers, 0 = default index other the start index (read 6 bytes). bytes: pointer 6 byte register array size: 6 Command 0x41: ------------- Set a new I2C address for the Si570 chip and return the old I2C address. If the value is not zero the I2C address will be writen to eeprom and the old value is always returned, The function can also be used to reset the device to "factory default" by writing the value 255. After a restart the device will initialize to all the default values. Default: 0x55 (85 decimal) Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x41 value: I2C address or 255 [byte] index: 0 bytes: pointer 1 byte I2C address size: 1 Command 0x42: ------------- Get CPU Temperaure from the attiny[48]5 Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x42 value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer 2 bytes ADC temperatur value size: 2 Command 0x43: ------------- Set and return the USB SerialNumber ID. The USB SerialNumber "PE0FKO-0" can be changed only for the last char "0". If the value is not zero the ID char will be writen to eeprom and the old value is always returned, Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x43 value: New ID char (>0) [byte] index: 0 bytes: pointer 1 byte ID address size: 1 Command 0x44: ------------- Change and get the Si570 chip Grade, RFREQ register index and DCO min / max value. The grade can be a number from 0 (no change), 1 (grade A), 2 (grade B), 3 (grade C, default). The grade zero will not change the grade. When specifying the chip grade it also set the RFREQ register index. The index must be changed when using the new Si570 7ppm (temperature) chip. There are three value (0, 7 or 13) possible, the value 0 is a auto-detect function. Also the freeze of the frequency when updating the RFREQ register (only new Si570) can be specified with this function. The divider restrictions for the 3 Si57x speed grades or frequency grades are as follows - Grade A covers 10 to 945 MHz, 970 to 1134 MHz, and 1213 to 1417.5 MHz. Speed grade A device have no divider restrictions. - Grade B covers 10 to 810 MHz. Speed grade B devices disable the output in the following N1*HS_DIV settings: 1*4, 1*5 - Grade C covers 10 to 280 MHz. Speed grade C devices disable the output in the following N1*HS_DIV settings: 1*4, 1*5, 1*6, 1*7, 1*11, 2*4, 2*5, 2*6, 2*7, 2*9, 4*4 Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x44 value: Si570 chip grade (0..3) in low byte, RFREQ Index (0,7,13) in high byte, Freeze-M in bit 15. index: DCO min if high byte value is zero, DCO max if high byte value is not zero bytes: pointer 5 byte grade address size: 5 Command 0x50: ------------- Set PTT (PB4) I/O line and read CW key level from the PB5 (CW Key_1) and PB1 (CW Key_2). In case of the enabled ABPF no change of PTT I/O line will be done and no read of the CW key's are done. The command will return (in case of enabled ABPF) for both CW key's a open status (bits are 1). The returnd bit value is bit 5 (0x20) for CW key_1 and bit 1 (0x02) for CW key_2, the other bits are zero. Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x50 value: Output bool to user output PTT index: 0 bytes: pointer to 1 byte variable CW Key's size: 1 Command 0x51: ------------- Read CW key level from the PB5 (CW Key_1) and PB1 (CW Key_2). In case of the enabled ABPF no read of the CW key's are done. The command will return for both CW key's a open status (bits are 1). The returnd bit value is bit 5 (0x20) for CW key_1 and bit 1 (0x02) for CW key_2, the other bits are zero. Parameters: requesttype: USB_ENDPOINT_IN request: 0x51 value: 0 index: 0 bytes: pointer to 1 byte variable CW Key's size: 1 EOF
F.W. Krom
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